Exchange rates in Millennium Bank
Bank Millennium is a nationwide universal bank, offering its services to all market segments via a network of branches, individual advisors and electronic banking. The founders and shareholders of the Bank were guided by the idea of building a modern institution, drawing on the best banking traditions and successfully competing in all segments of the financial market.
Millenium has built its knowledge of the Polish financial market on years of experience in providing services to corporate and individual customers, also adding the financial know-how and international expertise contributed by Banco Comercial Portugues (Millennium bcp) - Portugal's largest commercial bank and strategic shareholder of Bank Millennium.
The Bank has for many years been operating on all financial markets, delivering to Customers comprehensive financial services in one institution.
The Bank is the centre of the Bank Millennium Group, which also comprises Millennium Leasing, Millennium Dom Maklerski, Millennium Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych.
It takes only few minutes to register and use our online currency exchange service which is fully automated.